How to Reconcile with your Phone πŸ€—

Digital Wellness
By Clo S. from This Too Shall Grow​


How to Reconcile with your Phone

Letter #78 β€’ October 3rd, 2023

β†’ Read on the web​

Hey there,


In today's edition of Digital Wellness, you will find:

  • An article full of tips to mitigate the annoying effects of your phone
  • Advice from the pros on protecting yourself from graphic content on social media
  • Pointers to reduce emails and meetings at work thanks to a team communication plan
  • and more goodies!


Enjoy the read, and I'll see you in two weeks!


- Clo


🌻 Bloom from the blog

​How to Stop Hating your Phone​

Have you ever reached a point where each notification and message on your phone, even from people you love, felt like a tedious task pilling up on your to-do list? I’ve been there. Granted, I was overworked and in the middle of moving between 2 countries, but I was struck by my own behaviour, leaving my phone aside for entire days, as if abandoning the dreaded device would do any good.

I decided I had to stop ignoring my phone, and I used the knowledge gained from my digital wellness coach certification to do so. Here are 7 ways your smartphone impacts your digital wellbeing, followed by strategies to improve each of them and reconcile with your phone.

β†’ Read more​

🌳 Rooted reads

​11 Tips for Protecting Yourself From Upsetting Images on Social Media​

This article comes from Andrea Lampos and Alexa Koenig, who have both worked at UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center Investigations Lab. Since 2016, Lab members have been tasked with analysing and corroborating hundreds of images and videos of human rights violations, from countries all over the world including Syria and Myanmar. Lampos and Koenig noticed how second-hand experience of disturbing media clearly affected their students.

In the greater context of social media, where graphic content is just one scroll away, they decided to share their expertise with the world. This short article covers science-based strategies to minimise the harm caused by viewing traumatic content online. We could all use these tips.


β€œIn doing this work, we saw how the tactics used by professionals can be used by anyone who is attached to their phone and potentially swimming in graphic imagery. We are asking: How can we all stay engaged with what’s happening in the world while minimizing the risk of anxiety, depression, ruminations, or other negative effects?”


​How To Rescue Your Team From Email Overload (3 Simple Rules)​

If you struggle with too many work communications and channels, this short video is for you! Author and Computer Science professor Cal Newport recommends to write a communication plan for your team. He shares ideas on when to use email, when to use synchronous communication, having office hours on Slack or even Zoom, and more. A good watch if you want to reduce unnecessary emails and meetings at work.


β€œAnything that requires back-and-forth communication […] should be done synchronously, in real time where we can just talk back-and-forth to each other.”


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See you in two weeks!

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