How to use Social Media for Well-being 🌺

Digital Wellness
By Clo S. from This Too Shall Grow

How to use Social Media for Well-being

Letter #79 • October 17th, 2023

Read on the web

Hey there,

In today’s edition of Digital Wellness, you will find:

  • An article on what exactly is Internet Addiction Disorder, with examples of persuasive and addictive design patterns found in everyday life
  • A framework to make social media an asset for our well-being
  • Insight into what led Dr. Gloria Mark, leading researcher on multitasking and attention, into her field
  • and more useful links for a mindful use of your tech!

Enjoy the read, and I’ll see you in two weeks!

- Clo

🌻 Bloom from the blog

What Designers can do about Internet Addiction

In 1996, Dr Kimberly Young was one of the first scientists to warn against the addictiveness of computer use. That’s right, 25 years ago. Fast-forward to today, dark patterns are still rampant, and by forcing us to spend more time inside and online, the pandemic has accelerated the harmful effects of these mechanisms. Let’s take a look at Internet addiction, persuasive & addictive patterns, and what designers can do to avoid them.

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🌳 Rooted reads

How Social Media Can Add to Your Well-Being (Not Detract From It)

This in-depth article from Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center investigates what it means to flourish on social media, and what steps can help us get there. Executive coach and researcher Maya Gudka infers three fields of flourishing from positive psychology frameworks:

  • Social capital and social support: our ability to build meaningful and supportive relationships online, leading to actual friendships
  • Identity: the way our self-expression contributes to crafting our identity and shaping the way we present ourselves
  • Mastery: our capacity to acquire new skills, leading to a feeling of accomplishment, and benefiting our self-worth

The author then lists five levers to reach those outcomes, from social comparison to the effects of image-based social platforms. This article is without a doubt one of the most well-researched, well-sourced, and exhaustive pieces I’ve read this year. I recommend it for a high-quality, detailed view of how to leverage social media for a positive self-transformation.

What lunchtime taught me about multitasking

Attention researcher Gloria Mark, whose work you’ve read several times in this newsletter, has just started her own! She has been studying our attention span and the way multitasking and information overload increases our stress levels for 20 years.

In her very first issue, Dr. Mark explains how she first became interested in the topic of attention, screens, and multitasking. After living and working in Germany, where she used to get a proper lunch break with time away from her screen and a 20-minute walk around campus, she decided to relocate to the US. She noticed that her behaviour changed dramatically: no more lunch break, eating a sandwich in front of her computer, like all of her colleagues.

“There was of course a change in jobs and cultures, but it was the lunchtime practice that made me realize how tethered I was to my computer. When I returned from meetings or teaching, the first thing I did was turn on my computer. But I also noticed a strange thing. I had a hard time focusing on any single piece of content. I was flipping between screens, apps, websites, and checking email, and only making incremental progress on any one task. What was happening to my attention? Was it just me?”

There has been days where I've had a similar experience. If you relate too, and want to share your journey, let me know.

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Digital Wellness

Neuroscience insights & practical advice to help you reclaim your time, attention, and mental health from your tech devices. Learn to use your tech in a way that supports your productivity & well-being.

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