Your September screentime resolutions 🍂

Digital Wellness
By Clo S. from This Too Shall Grow

Your September screentime resolutions

Letter #76 • September 5th, 2023

Read on the web

January is usually seen as the perfect moment to set up new resolutions, but if you ask me, September is even more fitting. Many of us are coming back from holidays, feeling refreshed and hungry for new challenges. We had a good break from work - and if we didn’t, we at least slowed down due to everyone else being away sipping piña coladas by a pool.

If you’re tired of being distracted when you want to focus on work, if you’re done with juggling between 3 tasks at once, if you’ve had enough of checking your work emails while you’re with friends and family, now’s the time. When we let our tech devices dictate how we spend our time and where we put our attention, life passes by without us noticing. We fail making room for the hobby we’ve always wanted to start, and we don’t show up as we hoped to for our loved ones.

To help you start September the right way, I’m sharing with you my article on the science of building new habits. It also contains 10 golden nuggets of advice - my opinion - that’ll make it way easier to stick to your new resolutions. And as always, you can also book a call to get 1:1 tailored help to finally build a better relationship with your screens.

- Clo

🌻 Bloom from the blog

Building New Habits: How to Do what you Keep Putting Off

Habits are a powerful part of our everyday life. They’re what we rely on when we want sustainable behaviour change: losing body fat or gaining muscle, going to sleep earlier or waking up earlier, spending less time on our phone or spending more time creating. In this article, you will learn how to implement new habits. If you’ve been wanting to change your behaviour for a while, but struggled to keep at it, you’re going to like this read.

Read more

🌳 Rooted reads

‘We used to check every day, now it’s every minute’: how we got addicted to weather apps

At the intersection of tech addiction and climate anxiety live… weather apps. When accurate, these applications are a great way to stay up-to-date on extreme weather events such as tornadoes, heatwaves, and wildfires. They also provide all sorts of metrics that give us the feeling of being informed, even though they may actually be insignificant for us. Think moon phases, the exact time the sun sets, humidity percentages and so on.

When unpredictability reaches new highs, we cling onto anything that can give us a feeling of certainty. Weather forecasts being updated every 15 minutes creates the possibility for us to follow it as it evolves, to stay up to date, which gives us a sense of control. Do you relate?

3 Habits That Will Make You Emotionally Strong

Managing our emotions is key to effective communication, healthy relationships, and much more. It’s even more important online, as we lose a lot of context, facial expressions, tone of voice etc. when we rely on text only. This article by psychologist Nick Wignall is great to improve our emotional strength, which will benefit both our online and offline well-being.

🌿 Featured vines

Nervous System Mastery is a five week bootcamp that will equip you with evidence-backed protocols to cultivate greater calm and agency over your internal state. Learn to rewire maladaptive stress responses & improve your sleep (use code GROW for $150 discount). Apply today!

If you feel the stress of thousands of unread emails every time you log in to your email, check out this free 5-day course that will teach you how to master your inbox! You’ll get five days of inbox hacks and tips and learn how to manage your incoming emails to get to inbox zero every day. Sign up here

👋 Some of the Features vines are paid sponsorships. They help me keep Digital Wellness free for you to read. Want to share your product with 1,500+ readers and support the newsletter? → Book here

🪴 Bolstering branches

Whenever you are ready, I would love to help you improve your tech-life balance:
→ TO GET STARTED: discover the science behind 30 healthy digital habits with the Tech Bliss workbook
→ TO GO DEEPER: get tailored 1:1 support to enhance your focus, foster your well-being, and avoid burnout. Book a first chat for free
→ FOR TEAMS: invite me to give a workshop at your company. I love to help teams with interactive presentations, to raise their awareness and help them craft better tech habits.

🌱 Seed for growth

Today’s Seed for growth comes from Adam Yasmin, a fellow digital well-being coach specialising in helping parents use tech mindfully.

Being mindful of our screentime as parents, as well as with our children, takes awareness (and a healthy dose of humility).

Being a parent in this age of (multiple) screens often leaves us feeling overwhelmed, costing us our most precious resources: time & attention.

To begin: Think quality over quantity. Let’s focus more on context: why are we on screens? What are we accomplishing?

Ask yourself (and your kids) how you want to be using screens: for tasks, for entertainment, for connection, for learning, etc. then you’re able to strategize from week to week with these goals in mind. Start small, set limits, make offline activities ready nearby.

You can do this, and I can help.

Learn more about Adam’s digital well-being coaching for parents on his website.

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Want to share some feedback? A relevant resource you’d like me to feature? Let me know, I respond to every email.

See you next week!

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Neuroscience insights & practical advice to help you reclaim your time, attention, and mental health from your tech devices. Learn to use your tech in a way that supports your productivity & well-being.

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