Interruptions at work 👩‍💼

Digital Wellness
By Clo S. from This Too Shall Grow

Interruptions at work

Letter #74 • August 22nd, 2023

Read on the web

Do you ever get frustrated by the amount of interruptions happening in your work day? If so, you’re not alone. Whether we work from home or an office, whether they’re notifications or a colleague with an urgent request, interruptions can be damaging to the point where they eat up most of our preciously dedicated focus time.

Today, we’ll look into the hook model and how it leads us to create self-interruptions, how to manage interruptions at work, how to preserve digital memories when our accounts shut down, and more.

P.S.: I’m writing a new article on how to choose a mental health app among the many available out there. Is there anything special you want me to cover?

- Clo

🌻 Bloom from the blog

The Hook Model: when our Hormones work against us
You’re probably subjected to it whether you know it or not. The book that introduced the Hook model has sold over 250K copies in over 20 languages. This framework aims to maximise engagement on a product, which is techspeak for making you spend as much time as possible on it, making you visit as many pages as possible, maximising the number of daily active users, etc.
We are prone to this model because it leverages the specific way our brain has been moulded to ensure our survival. For all that, we can still learn to protect ourselves against it.

Read more

🌳 Rooted reads

Managing interruptions at work: What we learned surveying hundreds of RescueTime users about their worst distractions
RescueTime is one of the most famous focus tools out there, helping you better manage the time you spend on your devices. This article covers a survey they ran 5 years ago, and I still find it incredibly telling and relevant. It looks into the types and frequency of interruptions for both office workers and remote workers.
The wildest figure: when asked how they felt at the end of their work day, 74% of the people surveyed said “The days seem to fly by and I wonder ‘Did I accomplish anything today?’”.

“When it comes to avoiding interruptions at work, unfortunately our most available solution is to hide from them. 48.5% of people we spoke to said they would go into “headphone prison to signal they were focusing and shouldn’t be interrupted.”

If you struggle managing distractions and interruptions at work, if you're tired of not being in control of your time, book a call with me!

How to preserve your digital memories
This short article from the MIT Technology Review invites us to reflect on our digital records, and shares tips to preserve them in case our accounts ever get removed. Since several tech companies have announced they would be deleting inactive accounts (after 2 years of inactivity for Google, and only 30 days for Twitter), this article comes in handy.

“There is no guarantee of digital permanence. Though tech companies certainly reference data storage and archiving as a core selling point of their services, online documents like emails are at once both more permanent and more ephemeral than analog letters. And we all need to get used to this idea.”

🌿 Featured vines

The Digital Habit Lab contains 56 cards with experiments to challenge your digital habits. This entertaining deck follows evidence-based research and is tailored to make behaviour change as seamless as possible. The cards are a practical physical reminder and make it easy to share your journey as a team. Get 10% off your deck with my affiliate link.

The Land of Random is a weekly easy read to rediscover your love for the internet with cool tech, wacky links, and more. The best newsletter to remember than besides the sites we visit everyday and social platforms engineered for virality, there are still plenty of weird, cosy, non-KPI driven sites out there. Check it out!

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Whenever you are ready, I would love to help you reach tech-life balance:
→ Discover the science behind 30 healthy digital habits with the Tech Bliss workbook
→ Book a 1:1 coaching session where we'll craft a robust personalised action plan together. I'll help you go from overwhelmed and distracted to present and focused.
→ Invite me to give a workshop at your company. I love to help teams with interactive presentations, to raise their awareness and help them craft better tech habits.

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See you next week!

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