Your feed is a traffic jam đźš—

Digital Wellness
By Clo S. from This Too Shall Grow​


Your feed is a traffic jam

Letter #72 • August 8th, 2023

→ Read on the web​

Welcome to today’s edition!

We’ll analyse how our social media feed has evolved - and how we can re-enchant social computing. We’ll also look into whether the drug comparison is adequate for our tech tools. Finally, we’ll see one of the simplest, most straightforward tip for digital well-being.


- Clo


🌳 Rooted reads

​No exit — every feed is a traffic jam​

This short and impactful article analyses what has become of our social media feeds, and reminds us that the social web has more joyful alternatives available to it - for instance, some that build on the strength of collaborative environments.

“Doom-scrolling feeds of user-generated posts have become almost synonymous with social media. This wasn’t always the case, and this is still not always the case. Blogging was indeed an early sign of user-generated content and so-called Web 2.0, but so were wikis. While blogs celebrated individual voices, wikis in general and specifically Wikipedia celebrated the choir.”

​Why comparing technology to drugs isn’t simply a question of addiction​

In last week’s edition, I shared an article that looks into technology as a tool for emotion regulation. This week’s article deepens this investigation, drawing from drug research to explore technology’s potential as a mood-regulator.

“Thinking of technologies as “tools for manipulating mental states” might help us tell a story of technology use – helpful, harmful or ambiguous - which compares in its richness to the story of drug use.”


🌿 Featured vines

Creativerly is one of the most thoughtfully crafted newsletters I’m reading. Each week, you’ll get the latest updates on new and existing software tools to boost your productivity and creativity, along with handpicked resources on mental wealth, design, and tech. I’ve been subscribed since 2021, and I can tell you: Philip’s passion and dedication shines through his extremely high-quality writing. Sign up here.

Simple Analytics is the tool I use to check traffic on This Too Shall Grow. It’s privacy-first, with detailed documentation and a kick-ass team. I’ve been a customer since 2019, and I can only recommend it. Use this affiliate link to get your first month for free: check it out!

👋 Some of the Features vines are paid sponsorships. They help me keep Digital Wellness free for you to read. Want to share your product with 1,400+ readers and support the newsletter? → Book here​


🪴 Bolstering branches

Whenever you are ready, I would love to help you reach tech-life balance:
→ Discover the science behind 30 healthy digital habits with the Tech Bliss workbook​
→ Book a 1:1 coaching session where we'll craft a robust personalised action plan together. I'll help you go from overwhelmed and distracted to present and focused.
→ Invite me to give a workshop at your company. I love to help teams with interactive presentations, to raise their awareness and help them craft better tech habits.


🌱 Seed for growth

Putting a hairband around your phone?

I spotted this post on Twitt-X a couple of weeks ago. It suggests leaving a hairband around our phone at all times, to be more mindful of our screen time. “You can still pick up calls, but it makes everything else just hard enough that you’ll have to think twice before unlocking it.” Would you try it?

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See you next week!

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Digital Wellness

Neuroscience insights & practical advice to help you reclaim your time, attention, and mental health from your tech devices. Learn to use your tech in a way that supports your productivity & well-being.

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